When using high-temperature materials, always minimize part failures caused by simple things, especially by poor bed adhesion. Nano Polymer Adhesive is designed to minimize failures on high-end polymers. Whether you run a print farm or make single, high-temperature, functional 3D prints, this adhesive will make your work far easier.


Fortunately, Vision Miner spent over a year developing Nano Polymer Adhesive and discovered it works great for ABS, PLA, PETG. One top feature of this glue is that it takes only 15 seconds to apply, and it’s easy to clean up, which makes part removal a breeze. Using one-layer coats on a 7”x7” build plate, a jar covers 200+ coatings.

  1. First, clean your plate with Windex®, water, or alcohol.
  2. Next, hold the bottle like a pen, and draw an X, only in print area - then draw a circle around it, and spread it around with the brush. (Best results = apply in one direction, then the opposite direction.) 
  3. Last, simply clean the brush with water and set it aside to dry.

(We recommend two coatings for wider, high-temperature parts. In terms of mass, 0.5 grams of glue is good for most prints; 1-3 grams is better to print wider parts.

To remove low-temperature parts (Nylon, PLA,ABS): let plate cool. The part will pop itself off.

To remove high-temperature prints: you must get the part off ASAP. The difference in shrinkage between a glass plate and a part is so dramatic, the glass can break.
(Different build plate materials also affect easy removal.)

How often to reapply adhesive? With PEEK, PEI, and other expensive, high-temp filaments, we recommend cleaning and re-applying for every single print - it's not worth losing that much expensive filament!

For low temperature filaments, like PLA, we've experienced 50+ prints on a single coating -- so if you're printing PLA, one coating should last a good while!

Interested? Learn more about fine-tuning your 3D print jobs. Check our Vision MIner blog for more updates, and visit our YouTube channel for videos!

Vision Miner staff specialize in FDM/FFF 3D printing with high-performance plastics like PEEK, ULTEM, PPSU, PPS, CFPA.

Interested to see if your business could use functional 3D printing? Let us help you make the right choices for your needs!

Call us: 833-774-6863, or email VisionMiner.com


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by Tor Nichols

For nylon or nylon carbon fiber, how many prints between reapplications would you estimate conservatively, please?

Similar to your other low temperature example? I certainly don’t want to waste filament that costs almost 5x PETG, but I don’t need to be wasteful of the adhesive either.

by Russ Voege

I saw the video you did with 3D printing nerd, and when you were talking about this product I was like that could work when I print with PETG and ABS. So I took advantage of the free sample to try it out. Well after following the instructions I did a test print on a raft and after it was done, I went to remove it and was WOW that is on there, so I tried it again with a tiny print and I was like WOW that’s not popping off and there was no raft this time. This product is going to save me hours and filament for my print shop, I’m definitely buying the big bottle when the sample bottle runs out.

by John A Quandt

interesting bed adhesive