Hey Vision Miner Community,

We need to talk about something important. Lately, we've noticed some sneaky individuals trying to impersonate our team, sending out scam emails about fake business transactions. Here's an example of one:

Subject: Urgent Obligation on Machine Acquisition from Hong Kong

We are currently experiencing our internal audit, which limits offshore transactions at the moment. We seek a representative to handle this transaction and will reimburse with an additional 20% fee after our audit concludes in three weeks.


This is a scam. We would never ask you to handle transactions like this. If you get an email that sounds anything like the one above, it's not from us.

We're passionate about bringing you the best in industrial manufacturing, 3D printing, and 3D scanning. Your trust and security mean the world to us. To stay safe, always double-check any suspicious emails by visiting our official website, If you have any doubts or questions, reach out to us directly through our website.

We're all in this together, and we won't let a few bad apples ruin the trust we've built. Thanks for sticking with us and for being part of the Vision Miner family.

Stay awesome,

The Vision Miner Team