Bring Your Printer Into the 21st Century

Over the past few years, electronics manufacturers have embraced a new trend in device design: wireless connectivity. Everything, from refrigerators to smart-assistant speakers, now ship with the ability to connect to other devices, via home or office WiFi network. 

This trend, sometimes referred to as an ‘Internet-of-Things’, enables devices to communicate with each other. Machines can change their output, based on surrounding input. In commercial settings, WiFi-enabled devices can be remotely operated by employees, for tasks sent by wireless to 3D printer technicians/engineers. 

WiFi connectivity definitely plays a significant role with the new Enhanced Funmat HT, changing how your company uses high-performance printing technology.

Upgrade Software Automatically

Machine downtime is an avoidable issue. Time spent not printing is time wasted; time not generating revenue. To mitigate downtime, Intamsys equipped new Enhanced Funmat HTs with WiFi connectivity, to allow over-the-air (OTA) software updates. With OTA updates, less time is wasted researching, downloading, and manually installing each piece of printer manufacturers’ firmware. Printer downtime is also caused by  installing out-of-date/incorrect software. With OTA updates powered by WiFi, your new Enhanced Funmat HT printer will handle all new software, without your intervention.

Remote Control Pros

The power of WiFi connectivity in the Enhanced Funmat HT also allows more printing, without leaving your desk. Wirelessly send CAD files directly from office or home WiFi network. The Enhanced Funmat HT will automatically begin printing. 

Due to privacy concerns, many companies regulate how SD cards/USB sticks are shared among employees. Instead, WiFi allows files to be effortlessly sent on a company network, eliminating concerns about who has access to proprietary projects. Forget SD cards/USB sticks; in with 21st century file-sharing!

Potential for Automated, Scaled-Up Printing

In commercial 3D printing, two printers are usually better than one. Wireless connectivity on the Enhanced Funmat HT allows your company to remotely operate printers and automatically start print jobs with a few keyboard strokes. 

Now, imagine coordinating a scaled-up network of multiple Enhanced Funmat HT printers. They can be remotely programmed and finish entire assemblies of parts, at the same time!